Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Leslie Town Centre
One W 1st St
Cookeville, TN 38501
$20 for Members
$25 for Non-Members
Karlyn Reel
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Join us for an informative session that delves into the current state of the region's higher education systems. Gain valuable insights from higher education leaders in the region as they discuss the impact of the past year on their institutions and share their outlook on higher education's growth in 2024 and beyond.
The community is invited to submit questions to be asked during the event. Please submit your questions using the link below. Submissions will be accepted until 3:00 PM on July 24th.
Dr. Phil Oldham
President—Tennessee Technological University
Philip B. Oldham became the president of Tennessee Technological University on July 1, 2012. Prior to this appointment, he served as provost and senior vice chancellor of academic affairs at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He received his B.S. in chemistry from Freed-Hardeman University in 1980 and his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Texas A&M University in 1985. He spent a year following his graduate work as a Wellcome Research Fellow at Burroughs Wellcome Company (Glaxo Smith-Kline), Research Triangle Park, NC, before joining the faculty at Mississippi State University in 1986. Phil served as head of the Department of Chemistry at Mississippi State University for five years prior to becoming dean of arts & sciences at MSU in 2001. In 2007, he accepted the position of provost at UTC.
Cliff Wightman
President—Tennessee College of Applied Technology Upper Cumberland, Crossville/Livingston
As a dedicated advocate for career and technical training, Cliff Wightman believes everyone should have access to such education. He is the only TCAT President who graduated from the old State Vocational Training schools, with 18 years in the machine tool and automated industry before transitioning into education. Over the past 20 years, he has served TCAT in various roles, culminating in his current position as President—a role he considers his greatest honor. His academic background includes degrees from Roane State (AS), TTU (BS), Bethel University (MBA), and the Community College Leadership Program at ETSU, where he is completing his Ed.D. dissertation. He also serves on multiple boards, including local chambers of commerce and national educational associations, and participates in philanthropic organizations like Wounded Warriors and Rotary. Despite his academic achievements, he is most proud of the vocational training that has been the cornerstone of his career.
Dr. Wendi Tostenson
President—Volunteer State Community College
The Tennessee Board of Regents recently appointed Dr. Wendi W. Tostenson as the next president of Volunteer State Community College, effective July 1, 2024. Dr. Tostenson currently serves as vice chancellor of education and student services at Louisiana Delta Community College. She has held that role since 2021, after joining the college in 2019 as its executive director of workforce/economic development. Previously, from 2011 to 2019, she served in administrative roles at Southern Regional Technical College in Georgia – lastly as executive director of student affairs/registrar. She has also been an adjunct online professor of American government at Southern Regional since 2007. She earned a Doctor of Public Administration from Valdosta State University, a Master of Business Administration from the University of West Georgia, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Georgia.
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1 West 1st Street, Cookeville, TN 38501 – (931) 526-2211 – info@cookevillechamber.com