Cookeville Chamber

Creativity Camp
Date and Time
Friday May 24, 2024 Saturday May 25, 2024
Camp is Friday and Saturday from 9am to 1pm, May 24th and 25th.
8328 Roberts Matthews Hwy
Cookeville, TN 38506

BTSSA is hosting an art camp for little ones, ages 5-12, who will get a chance to experience several art techniques in various mediums and concepts like: shapes, landscapes, and abstracts. Mediums in watercolor, acrylics, pencils, and more. And techniques like, tape art and tie-dye. Our camp host is Emma Scoggins who is a current student at TTU for nursing and a Spencer native. Camp includes snack and project take homes. Camp is Friday and Saturday from 9am to 1pm, May 24th and 25th. Participants must register in advance by phone or email us at 931.409.3259 or Visit our website for more information at: